Friday, March 18, 2016


H. HEAVEN is for real and Hansel our beloved Husband, Father, Grandfather, Brother-in-law, Uncle, Cousin, Co-Worker, Friend is in Heaven!
A. Assurance just takes FAITH and our Father God has given us all that tiny 'mustard seed' of faith to believe in His Son Jesus Christ.
N. Not by our works of righteousness but only by JESUS CHRIST do we step out of this life into our eternal life with our creator Father God.
S. Salvation is our HOPE and we can have this hope today by repenting of our sins and believing in Jesus Christ and making Him Lord of our life.
E. Everlasting LIFE is our destiny and it will be either with our Father God or without our Father God and He has given us that choice to make during our life time.
L. LOVE was how our Father God made the way for us and that was not a coincidence that Hansel passed on 3:16! For God so LOVED the world that He gave His only Son and whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life! John 3:16
H. Hester was a good man whom we loved and will miss dearly!
E. Entered earth on September 4, 1930.
S. Son of Robert Lamar Hester and Claudia Spivey of Uvula, Ga.
T. Trained us how to love our family and to bear with one another in love.
E. Entered Heaven on 3/16/16.
R. Resting now in Heaven and wanting us to join him. Will you make that choice today by asking Jesus to forgive you of your sins and to come into your heart by faith? We will be praying for all our family and friends. May God bless you and as Hansel Hester would say, "AND GOD BLESS AMERICA!"

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