Tuesday, March 1, 2016

the long black mat

On my front porch
there was a mat
it was long
and it was black.

There were little rows
some narrow & wide and
I would send them down 
to the screened door finish side.

Down they went
round, round, round,
down they'd race and 
stack, stack, stack.

That was my game 
that I would play
on my front porch
on rainy days.

That's all it took
with my formation
a bunch of marbles
and a young imagination.

lllbh 3/1/2016 I woke up at 4am and pinned this poem about my childhood while living in Little Five Points area on 1046 Washita Avenue in Atlanta Georgia 30307 and Jackson 4-1267 was my phone number. 

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