Monday, November 14, 2011

filled with kisses

My cousins drew pictures
and put them in their balloons.
And my Momma ask me...
"What are you gonna put in
your balloon, Honey?" and I said...

I'm gonna fill my balloon with kisses
for my Daddy who's in Heaven.
Will you take my kisses to Daddy
and tell him I love YOU!

My cousins were there with me
on that memorial weekend day.
The balloons were blue, my Daddy's
favorite color and sometimes the
way we feel inside when we miss him.

I'll see you again, Daddy,
because I believe in Jesus.
Just like you prayed for me to do.
When you and Momma dedicated me
on that February morn.

And my Daddy said...
Chunky Monkey,
Thank you for your kisses that you
flew up to me today!
It's OK, Gracie, everything is OK!
I'll see you again one Day!
I love you too!

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