Have you ever wondered what the three gifts that the three wise men brought to the Baby Jesus were representing? Well let’s take a closer look at these three gifts and see what God was showing us.
The First Wise Man brought Gold to the Baby Jesus. Gold is a precious metal that is worth a lot of money, in those days and now. A gift of Gold was given to Kings. The First Wise Man knew that Jesus was a King. Jesus is our eternal, everlasting King for now and when we go to Heaven.
The Second Wise Man brought the baby Jesus Frankincense. This was an oil that when it was burned the fragrance went up to Heaven for God to smell. God wanted them to do this for Him while they prayed to Him. After Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead three days later, He is our fragrance that God smells for us instead of our stinky sins. Because of what Jesus did in obedience to God’s command, we can now go boldly before God’s throne and pray directly to Him through Jesus our Savior.
The Third Wise Man brought the baby Jesus Myrrh. Myrrh is an oil that was used to dress the body after death. This gift was a foreshadowing of Jesus’ life. The baby Jesus would grow up and live on earth and die for our sins and rise from the dead on the third day. Because He did this in obedience to God’s command, we now are clothed in His “robe of righteousness”. This robe covers ALL of our sins from the beginning of the world until we pass away from this world to Heaven.
The next time you see someone on the street holding a sign that says, “Buy Gold”, remember that first gift of Gold that was brought to the baby Jesus; the King of Kings was brought Gold on his Birthday to testify to the world that He is the King of Kings on earth and in Heaven.
The next time you pray to God, remember that second gift of frankincence that was brought to the baby Jesus. And the only reason you can pray to our Holy God and come boldly before His Throne, is because Jesus died on the cross for your sins and rose again so you can live forever.
The next time you put on your robe at night, remember that third gift of Myrrh that was brought to the baby Jesus. And remember that you have a robe of righteousness to wear everyday, when you repent of your sins and ask Jesus to come to live in your heart as Lord of your life.
(this was my way of giving 3 gifts to our grandchildren, Ansley & Gabriel on 2011 Christmas night at our house)