Monday, June 9, 2008

your touches of love...

You enfold me in Your water.
You surround me in Your steam. You warm me in Your sun. You refresh me in Your breeze. You delight me in Your clouds. You bless me in Your rainbows. You restore me in Your sunrises. You comfort me in Your sunsets. You awe me in Your whirlwinds. You strengthen me in Your storms. You draw me in Your Touches of Love! I love you Abba with all of my heart soul & mind and I thank you for all your love to me and embracing me in all your different ways! ~ L L L H Psalm 8

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Lord, is that me in the tree that I see...

is that me or Thee? Tell me Lord, what do I see? Is it me praying to Thee or Thee praying for me?

It is I praying for ... All Who Will Believe... to the Father asking Him that I be in them and He in Me and that they may be brought to Complete Unity to let the world know that He sent Me and Loves them even as He Loved Me. John 17:20-23 (a profile of left side of a face with hands in front praying...can you see it?)