Friday, September 26, 2008

you may never know me

summer lee ~ Born 17weeks early 1 pound 3 ounces July 3, 2008

You may never know me
and that will be alright, but
"YOU MAY" know the One who
will always be your Light! John 8:12

You may never meet me
and that may bring you strife, but
"YOU MAY" meet the One who will
give you Eternal Life! Romans 6:23

You may never talk with me
and that's the way life's been, but
"YOU MAY" talk with the Son of God
who died for ALL your sins! John 3:16

You may never walk with me
and that's because I'm old, but
"YOU MAY" walk one day with me
on Heavens streets of Gold! Revelation 21:18

The reason I say "YOU MAY"
is because you must choose, the
gods of this world, or
The Lord God who made YOU! Joshua 24:15

LLLBH 2008 

Monday, June 9, 2008

your touches of love...

You enfold me in Your water.
You surround me in Your steam. You warm me in Your sun. You refresh me in Your breeze. You delight me in Your clouds. You bless me in Your rainbows. You restore me in Your sunrises. You comfort me in Your sunsets. You awe me in Your whirlwinds. You strengthen me in Your storms. You draw me in Your Touches of Love! I love you Abba with all of my heart soul & mind and I thank you for all your love to me and embracing me in all your different ways! ~ L L L H Psalm 8

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Lord, is that me in the tree that I see...

is that me or Thee? Tell me Lord, what do I see? Is it me praying to Thee or Thee praying for me?

It is I praying for ... All Who Will Believe... to the Father asking Him that I be in them and He in Me and that they may be brought to Complete Unity to let the world know that He sent Me and Loves them even as He Loved Me. John 17:20-23 (a profile of left side of a face with hands in front praying...can you see it?)

Friday, April 11, 2008

grab hold of His Arm during your Storm...

Will we have God's Peace in the Mist of our Storm?
If we have not been through a Storm,
our Storm will come.
Will we have God's Strength in the Mist of our Storm?
Oh how we pray on the day of our Storm,
We pray for God's Peace and God's Strength.
Grab hold of His Arm
And we will Stand Strong
While in the Mist of our Storm
Our Misty Storm
Will only last for a moment.
Even though it seems to last forever.
It will fade away when He shines His Light
And then we will understand His Plan for our Storm.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

the brevity of life. . .

What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.
James 4:14, NIV

Several years ago a university student asked me what had been my biggest surprise in life. Immediately I replied, "The brevity of life." Almost before we know it, the years have passed and life is almost over.
On one hand, life's brevity should challenge us. If ever we are to live for Christ and share Him with others, it must be now. Jesus said, "The night is coming when no one can work" (John 9:4).
But life's brevity should also comfort us. Life is short--and before us is eternity! When sufferings overwhelm us or difficulties assail us we know they will soon be over. Paul wrote, "Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more esceeding and eternal weight of glory....For the things which are seen are temporary" (2 Cor. 4:17-18).
Don't live as if this life will continue forever. It won't. Live instead with eternity in view!
From: Hope for Each Day / Words of Wisdom and Faith / by Billy Graham

Sunday, February 17, 2008

standing before Christ

God has clearly put every Christian on notice that every one of us will stand before the judgment seat of Christ and give an account of how we have lived our life here on earth.1 And for those who have never received Jesus as their Savior they will stand before God at the Great White Judgment Throne of God and be judged for their sins and will have to pay the just penalty thereof because they never accepted Jesus as their Savior and asked for and accepted God's forgiveness.

As God's Word says, "And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Another book was opened, which is the book of life. The dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books. The sea gave up the dead that were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and each person was judged according to what he had done. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire."3

Whatever you do, don't ignore God's warning and don't take God's mercy for granted. "Behold, now is 'the acceptable time,' behold, now is 'the day of salvation.'"4 If you have never accepted Jesus as your Savior and asked God for forgiveness for all your sins, I urge you, dear reader, to do that today.

For help click on the Know God button below or go to:

Suggested prayer: "Dear God, thank you for your Word that tells me what I need to do to have my sins forgiven; and thank you for giving Jesus, your Son, to pay the penalty for all my sins through his death on the cross. And thank you for giving me a clear warning that 'As it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment.'5 letting me know that it is imperative that I make things right with you today as it is too late after I die. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, amen."

1. 2 Corinthians 5:10 (NIV).

Thursday, January 17, 2008

you can be sure you will go to heaven ...

You can be sure you will go to heaven when you die
As a young girl I once saw an old black-and-white Cecil B. DeMille film on the life of Jesus, titled "King of Kings." The film was very moving, and when I watched the crucifixion scene, I began to weep. I realized Jesus had died for me and that my sin had nailed Him to the cross. My mother led me in prayer as I confessed my sin to God and told Him I was sorry. I thanked Jesus for dying for my sin and asked God to forgive me. I told Him I believed Jesus had risen from the dead, and I invited Him to come live in my heart. I don’t remember any dramatic sensation afterward, but I knew my sin had been forgiven and I had been born again. That prayer began a love relationship with Jesus that is more real to me than any other. And I would like to share it with you...

Only God, through Christ, has the power to forgive sin.¹ It doesn’t matter how big the sin is or how small, it doesn’t matter how long ago it was committed or how recently. It doesn’t matter whether it was spontaneous or malicious. God will forgive you if you come to Him at the cross of Jesus Christ.
God forgave the men who nailed His Son to the cross—when they asked Him to.² So why do you think He won’t forgive you when you ask? What do you think is beyond the forgiveness of God? Abortion?—Adultery?—Abuse?—Hate?—Hypocrisy?—Doubt? —Divorce?—Drunkenness?—Or Immorality?—Or Murder?—Or _____? You fill in the blank.

There is nothing you have ever done that He cannot or will not forgive when He is humbly asked.

A few years ago I found myself groping for a way to explain this to a woman who had been on death row for multiple murders and would be executed within ten hours of my visit. Tears glistened in her eyes as she looked at me beseechingly, needing assurance of the salvation she had claimed by faith six years earlier. That very night she would be stepping into eternity, and she was desperate for reassurance of her forgiveness by God. I asked her if she had ever been to the ocean, and she nodded "yes." I asked her if, as she had walked along the shore, she had seen small holes in the sand where ghost crabs had darted in and out. Again she nodded. I then asked if she had seen any larger holes, like those made by children digging. Beginning to look puzzled, she said "yes," she had seen holes like that. I persisted gently to see if she had ever seen huge holes created by machines dredging a channel or burying pipe lines on the beach. Her brow furrowed as she again acknowledged a quiet "yes." I then leaned toward her and pressed my point, "Velma, when the tide comes in, what happens to all those holes?"
A soft light began to gleam in her eyes, and a smile played at the corner of her lips as I answered my own question. "All the holes are covered equally by the water, aren’t they?
God’s forgiveness is like the tide that washes over all the ‘holes’ of your sins and covers all your sins equally." And Velma stepped into her heavenly home fully assured of her acceptance by God.
Praise God for the sacrifice of Jesus that is sufficient to cover all of your sins. All of them! Even "small" sins like gossip or worry, "medium-size" sins like losing your temper, "large" sins like murder—all are covered equally by the blood of Jesus. You will never be held accountable for the guilt of your sin because Jesus has taken the punishment for you. The price for your redemption has been paid! The sacrifice for your sin has been made! You are forgiven! Eternal life is yours! Heaven is open!
You don’t have to do more good works than bad works.
You don’t have to go to church every time the door opens.
You don’t have to count beads.
You don’t have to be religious.
You don’t even have to be good!
But you and I must confess our sin to Him personally, specifically and honestly if we want to receive forgiveness. God promises, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."³

If you believe the message you have just read is true, you can pray this simple prayer by faith:

Dear God, I confess to You the hardness of my heart, the meanness of my thoughts, the coldness of my spirit, and the sinfulness of my life. I’m so sorry. I know it was for me – and because of me – that Jesus died. Please forgive me of all my sins – big, medium and small, past, present and future. Thank You for Jesus, Who washes my filthy garments of sin white as snow. I know now that I am clean and forgiven and dressed for eternity in heaven with You. Thank You for just giving me Jesus! Amen

If you've just prayed this prayer in your heart, we'd love to hear from you! Drop us a note at

Scripture references: 1) Matthew 9:1-8 2)Luke 23:34 3) 1 John 1:9 (NIV)