Tuesday, December 18, 2007

the LORD is on your side, just trust HIM totally...

Trust in the lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
Most of us know this familiar memory verses. The part of the verse I want to focus on is the first part where it says Trust in the lord with all thine heart. Do we trust God totally? I want you to be honest with yourself. There are certain areas in our lives where we are weak and there are areas where we struggle in. Do we really allow God to help us in that area or do we block him from doing the work that is needed to be done? Do we allow God to have complete control of our lives or are there certain things He can control and other things He'll just have to stay away or mind His business. God wants to direct our path so He has to do some necessary work in us. He will have to go in the areas of our lives where we are weak so He can make us strong. He has to come in and do a complete work in us for there is a greater work we have to do. Trusting God totally means you let go of your power and allow God to come in and do all He has to do because we know in the end He will get the glory out of our lives. The questions I have for you are where is your faith? We often have faith for some things but in other areas we don’t. Do you really trust God totally? One thing we must understand is that our lives are in His hand so whatever He does in our lives it is for our good. Always remember that. In spite of what you might be going through or have experienced. Always know that all things work together for the good of them that love the lord. The lord is on your side. Just trust him totally.