Tuesday, December 18, 2007

the LORD is on your side, just trust HIM totally...

Trust in the lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
Most of us know this familiar memory verses. The part of the verse I want to focus on is the first part where it says Trust in the lord with all thine heart. Do we trust God totally? I want you to be honest with yourself. There are certain areas in our lives where we are weak and there are areas where we struggle in. Do we really allow God to help us in that area or do we block him from doing the work that is needed to be done? Do we allow God to have complete control of our lives or are there certain things He can control and other things He'll just have to stay away or mind His business. God wants to direct our path so He has to do some necessary work in us. He will have to go in the areas of our lives where we are weak so He can make us strong. He has to come in and do a complete work in us for there is a greater work we have to do. Trusting God totally means you let go of your power and allow God to come in and do all He has to do because we know in the end He will get the glory out of our lives. The questions I have for you are where is your faith? We often have faith for some things but in other areas we don’t. Do you really trust God totally? One thing we must understand is that our lives are in His hand so whatever He does in our lives it is for our good. Always remember that. In spite of what you might be going through or have experienced. Always know that all things work together for the good of them that love the lord. The lord is on your side. Just trust him totally.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

This song by Michael W Smith is dedicated to our children~Gabriel, Emily, Richard and, Robyn~

Tell me when the time we had slipped away
Tomorrow turned to yesterday
And I don't know how
Tell me what can stop this river of tears
It's been building up for years
For this moment now
Here I stand arms open wide
I've held ya close kept ya safe till you could fly
Tell me where the road ahead is gonna bend
And how to harness up the wind
And how to say goodbye
Tell me why why does following your dreams
Take you far away from me
And I knew that it would
Tell me how to fill the space you left behind
And how to laugh instead of cry
And how to say goodbye
Here I stand arms open wide
I've held ya close kept you safe till you could fly
Tell me where the road ahead is gonna bend
And how to harness up the wind
And how to say goodbye
You all profess to have faith in God and His Son Jesus! Our Prayer for you all is to... Finish the race and keep the Faith and never be Ashamed of the Gospel! 2Timothy 4:7 Romans 1:16

Sunday, June 3, 2007


richard was diagnosed with colon cancer Dec 2006 and has been undergoing chemo treatments since then. Please go to his carepage.com and leave him an encouraging message. Updates will be posted monthly. http://www.carepage.com/ the carepage name is Everybodylovesrichard You will have to enter a username and password for yourself to enter the site. Thank you for remembering him and saying a prayer. We love you Richard.

Secure in the Everlasting Arms, Elisabeth Elliott, 2002 wrote:
"We are meddling with God's business when we let all manner of imaginings loose, predicting disaster,contemplating possibilities instead of following, one day at a time, God's plain and simple pathway. When we try to meet difficulties prematurely we have neither the light nor the strength for them yet. 'As thy days, so shall thy strength be' was Moses' blessing for Asher - in other words, your strength will equal your days. God knows how to apportion each one's strength according to that day's need, however great or small"

Saturday, June 2, 2007

travis & robyn & austin & lindsey & lance & grant & leanna

Travis & Robyn & LeAnna! Born April 28, 2006.
She is their 5th Child our 7th Grandchild in birth order.
Our 3rd Granddaughter in birth order.
They live in Arizona! Too far from Nana & Papa!

Austin, Lindsey, Lance, Grant & LeAnna

Travis and Robyn's Basketball Team!

Friday, June 1, 2007

gabe & dana & ansley & gabriel

Gabe & Dana with their newest little one, Gabriel Joseph II and Ansley Michele on Easter Sunday 2007. Baby Gabriel was born on January 2, 2007. He is number eight of our grandchildren. Our fifth grandson. Out of 9 grandchildren, they are the only ones that live close to ChaCha & PaPa.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

hung & emily & holland & isabella

Isabella was Dedicated on this Easter Sunday 2007.
She was born March 5, 2007.
She is their 2nd child and our 9th grandchild,
our 4th granddaughter. They will all be leaving for Puerto Rico as missionaries with MTI/ILDP October 2, 2007. Please pray for them for God's wisdom and protection during this time of serving Him. We will miss them and they will be too far away from Nana-ChaCha & Papa.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

our future leaders

Austin, Lindsey, Lance, Grant


Monday, May 28, 2007

bob & linda

We took off from teaching 8th grade middle school sunday school for two years. During those two years, our children bore us five grands: Ansley, Holland, LeAnna, Gabriel and Isabella. Praise the Lord for all NINE of our Grandchildren: Austin, Lindsey, Lance, Grant, LeAnna, Ansley, Gabriel, Holland & Isabella. We will be back to teaching this Fall 2007, Lord willing.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

mom's last easter on this earth 2006

Mom's Easter 2007 was in Heaven! Can you imagine? Easter with Jesus, the "One" who Easter is all about!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

do i live what i believe?

Do I live what I believe?
Do my actions, thoughts and deeds,
an overflow of heart and speech, reflect
Your purity? And have I really set aside
those things I know can’t abide. So when
I come to seek Your face my hands are
clean. I know that I must live a life
that causes men to look to Christ. So Father,
come set me aside to live what I believe!

Monday, April 2, 2007

a favorite verse from the Bible

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone, my hope comes from Him. He alone is my Rock and my Salvation; He is my Fortress, I will never be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our Refuge."Psalm 62: 5-8

Sunday, April 1, 2007

our beliefs, our vision, our leaders

OUR BELIEFS: We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative, inerrant Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21) There is one God, eternally existent in three Persons - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:1, Matthew 28:19, John 10:30) In the deity of Christ (John 10:33) His virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23, Luke 1:35), His sinless life (Hebrews 4:15, and 7:26), His miracles (John 2:11), His vicarious and atoning death (1 Corinthians 15:3, Ephesians 1:7, Hebrews 2:9), His resurrection John 11:25, 1 Corinthians 15:4), His ascension to the right hand of God (Mark 16:19), His personal return in power and glory (Acts 1:11, Revelation 19:11). In the absolute necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit for salvation because of the exceeding sinfulness of human nature; and that we are justified on the single ground of faith in the shed blood of Christ and that only by God's grace and through faith alone we are saved. (John 3:16-19 and 5:24, Romans 3:23 and 5:8-9, Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:5) In the resurrection of both the saved and the lost - the saved to the resurrection of life, and the lost to the resurrection of condemnation (John 5:28-29) In the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 8:9, Galatians 3:26-28) In the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life. (Romans 8:13-14, 1Corinthians 3:16 and 6:19-20, Ephesians 4:30 and 5:18) In the pre-tribulational rapture of the church in which Jesus Christ returns to take His Bride (the church), out of this world to live forever in His glorious presence called Heaven!
(1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

OUR VISION: Our vision is to go out into all the world and tell others how much God our Father LOVES them. That God gave his only Son Jesus Christ to come to Earth to show us Himself in a Human form and to be our sin offering so we could come to a Holy God through Jesus and be saved and enjoy our life on earth with a NEW HEART and eternal LIFE in Heaven with God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. Then that person that we tell will go out and tell and teach and then they will also go out and tell and teach about what Jesus has done for them. Multiply...Multiply...Multiply!

OUR LEADERS: Our leaders are going to be our children and their children and their children and their children and their children and their children and their children and their children and their children and their children and their children and their children and their children and their .... ... .. THE NEXT GENERATION LEADERS