Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Monday, February 10, 2020

May this new decade and new year fill you with Jesus' Love for you and your family.
As a child I never dreamed that my family would be separated. But now at 70, I realize that we live in a world of separations: parents from children, husbands from wives, friends from friends, childhood dreams from adult realities, so on & so on. But as Christians we will never have to face a devastating separation from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus will always be with us & Love us! HE WILL NEVER LEAVE US!

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Sunday 2019

Gabe H. Dana H. Ella T. Ansley H. Hung T. Holland T. Emily T. Linda H.
Ben T. Bob H. Memaw H. Gabriel H. Emerson T.
Hester & Truong Families

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

“ A New Robe” by Gloria “Dori” David I Samuel 18: 1-5 ; Colossians 3: 5-17 ; Ephesians 4: 22-32 Don’t be like Job, Instead put on a new robe. Step over to the Christ side, And get out of pride. Stop rolling the dice, And receive the peace of Christ. Give up strife, And receive new life. Where there could be greed, Now be freed. A new robe is the best dress, It is called being clothed in righteousness. Rather than vent, Just learn to repent. Give space for His healing, And receive His Holy filling. Give up all earthly desire, And rekindle a Holy fire. Where there could be rage, Just turn a new page. Get out of the world’s race, And go to the Secret Place. (Psalm 91) It is the best present, To be clothed in His presence. He never leaves you, He is a dream come true. When you are in a jam, Just call on the great “I AM”. The spirit of the Lord is the best place, So let others see it on your face. It is time to shine, So get connected to the vine, Let Jesus turn your water into wine. In God’s covenant- two become one, And it’s a whole lot of fun. Don’t be a doubting Thomas, Just receive the covenant promise. Be in love, With the eyes of a dove. (tunnel vision) Where there is unity, There is a Holy community. Forgive, And relive. Sing praises, And go places. Make this your story, So God get’s ALL the Glory! This is from lesson in Bible Study. We were to do something creative with it, either painting, poem, writing etc, I don't usually do poems but I wrote one.
Scriptures listed in beginning
OMG, that was beautiful and at this very moment was just for my struggling heart with all that it said. Thankful & Thank You! I love you Dori!
Not finished with it yet still adding alittle since last night and adding some scripture references. Thank you for your kind words ❤ Love you sista ❤ Added this at the end : Make this your story,
So God get’s ALL the Glory.
Put on a new robe,
For an excellent wardrobe !

This may be a little long,
But it is a new song!
So here is the best part,
Have you asked Jesus in your heart !?
A new song Psalm 40:3: “He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God; Many will see and fear And will trust in the LORD.”
Chat Conversation End

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Mom / Memaw Celebrated Her 89th Birthday Party at Our Home



Sometimes I imagine people
like clouds. I really do wonder
how they get around.

Sometimes they fight
but even if they are strong,
they might not all get along.

So I have to remember 
through all the storms,
Jesus loves us
no matter how wrong!

by Leanna Joy Byrom
2016 10 years old


I often wish to fit
a rainbow in my hair.

For I can't bear to see it go,
who knows where?

But my parents assure me
that it will come back.

But for now,
it has gone away.

by Leanna Joy Byrom
2016 10 years old